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sound doctrine drives sound mental health
Dr. Sean St. Jean highlights the importance of sound doctrine in combating destructive thought patterns and promoting mental health.
Sean St. Jean
Aug 14, 20246 min read

what is postmodern thought? Part three
Editor's note: This is the third of three articles related to the idea of Postmodern Thought. We believe it is the primary way the...
Daren Overstreet
Aug 14, 20245 min read

Who is a true expert? reflections from a millennial mom
Sara Bolves urges reliance on Scripture over social media "experts" for guidance amidst conflicting advice.
Sara Bolves
Aug 14, 20245 min read

a free parenting webinar!!
We are pleased to announce a FREE parenting webinar coming on August 24! As parents prepare for their kids to go back to school, we want...
Biblically Resilient
Jul 23, 20241 min read

what is postmodern thought? Part two
The article outlines three main worldviews related to spiritual and transcendent truth: premodern, modern, and postmodern.
Daren Overstreet
Jul 23, 202410 min read

lesson 11: Give me understanding
Falling In Love With God’s Word #11 Read Psalm 119:33-35 When I was a very young Christian, I made a goal of reading the Bible cover to...
Daren Overstreet
Jul 23, 20242 min read

Independence Day!
This week we celebrate Independence Day in the United States. From 1776 until today, July 4th has been celebrated by Americans as a day...
Daren Overstreet
Jul 2, 20244 min read

What is postmodern thought? Part One
The article discusses the contrast between modern and postmodern perspectives, especially in the context of spiritual meaning truth.
Daren Overstreet
Jun 25, 20245 min read

guarding our hearts from satan's lies
Guard your heart with vigilance, Satan's lies target your faith. Embrace God’s truth to heal from church wounds and find spiritual recovery
Sean St. Jean
May 29, 20244 min read

you have an enemy: a video lesson on spiritual warfare from ephesians 6:10-20
Jeff Chacon's lesson at Anchor Point Church emphasizes understanding our spiritual battle against Satan and embracing biblical truth.
Biblically Resilient
May 22, 20241 min read

Is masculinity really toxic? A thoughtful book review
Todd Porter reviews "The Toxic War on Masculinity," advocating for a biblical vision to correct society's distorted view of manhood.
Todd Porter
May 8, 20247 min read

A new missional era
Daren Overstreet introduces the "New Missional Era," urging Christians to adapt and faithfully share the timeless gospel.
Daren Overstreet
May 3, 20245 min read

seeking god's heart on abortion: part 4
God's grace in action transforms lives, offering compassion, hope, and redemption. Can we extend such grace to others, mirroring His love?
Laurieanne Conkling
May 1, 20244 min read

seeking god's heart on abortion: part 3
Adoption reflects God's heart for the voiceless, mirroring His care for the vulnerable and oppressed. How can we embody His love in action?
Daren Overstreet
Apr 24, 20245 min read

lesson 10: a place of grace
God's Word offers grace for our imperfections, transforming us as we seek His favor and embrace His love.
Daren Overstreet
Apr 24, 20242 min read

seeking God's Heart on abortion: Part 2
Every child, born or unborn, is an image bearer of God, worthy of love and protection. Let's show grace and truth as we defend life.
Joey Hungerford
Apr 18, 20245 min read

seeking god's heart on abortion: Part 1
Navigating abortion with God's guidance. Mercy and compassion are essential in discussion.
Jeff Chacon
Apr 9, 20247 min read

keeping watch part four: a series for leaders
Progressive theology appears biblical but erodes grace and truth, risking emotional fragility and moral displacement.
Daren Overstreet
Apr 9, 20247 min read

living faithfully in rapidly changing times
In an age of participation, Christians face pressure to affirm and celebrate LGBTQ+ ideologies, risking isolation for faithful conviction.
Daren Overstreet
Apr 3, 20245 min read

progressivism & the resurrection of Jesus
Progressives' skepticism towards Jesus' resurrection stems from their allegiance to physicalism, conflicting with historic Christian belief.
Mar 30, 20241 min read
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