Recommended Books
Check out some of the books we recommend as solid resources! We will continue to update this list as the year continues, so don't forget to check in every once in a while to view our latest recommendations.

A good and balanced explanation about how dangerous progressive ideas are entering the church, along with ideas for healthy engagement

A very honest assessment of where we are in North America, and how Christians Biblically stand firm in a world that is hostile to Christ

The secular creed
A very insightful analysis of the secular commitments that form the foundation of today's hot topics

The coddling of the American Mind
A brilliant look at how society is coaching the next generation into horrible mental health. A must read for people who work with kids!

Gay & Christian?
A bold apologetic for the Biblical sexual ethic, and excellent resource for refuting pro-gay theology. In a world that is scared to speak on the subject, this is a needed book!

Taking God at his word
A simple and deep defense of the a high view of scripture and the dangers of watering down God's eternal Word

Toxic war on masculinity
A truthful look at how secular progressives are seeking to dismantle manhood, and a refreshing reminder that the Christian ideal is the answer

Awake not woke
An in depth look at what lies behind the surface of Progressive Christianity, and a sobering explanation of where they come from

A grand illusion
A deep dive into how Progressive Theology undermines and contradicts the basics of the historic Christian faith

Another Gospel
A very accessible story of Childers' experience with a progressive church, and her detailed analysis of the dangers involved

10 commandments of progressive christianity
A short but powerful look at how progressive theology operates

confronting justice w/o compromising truth
A good explanation of the various ways "social justice" is used along with a Biblical approach

set adrift
A very balanced treatment of the phenomenon of "deconstruction," offering Biblical and helpful guidelines for spiritual growth and maturity

The great evangelical disaster
An older work, but a prophetic look forward to the kinds of issues our modern church is now facing

real life theology
A balanced and thorough faith statement, with a very Biblically conservative but practical approach to sound doctrine

male & female
A detailed and insightful treatment of Biblical gender roles, and a defense of the theology of manhood and womanhood. A must read for all Christians seeking to understand the truth from the rhetoric

a primer on postmodernism
An easy to read book explaining the evolution of current postmodern thought, especially as it relates to human iden

faith for exiles
This book tackles the issues facing our young people today around faith, and details how we can help mentor them in a sound, Biblical way

disappearing church
A commentary on how Christians in the West have sold out to cultural relevance, and a call to faithful, counter-cultural living

myth of the dying church
A discussion on what surveys are telling us about church growth - it's the progressive ones that are shrinking and closing their doors

cynical theories
Pluckrose & Lindsay pull back the veil on secular dogmatic ideas and expose where they come from, what their agenda is

before you lose your faith
A discussion about the most common issues young people call out when deconstructing their faith, a Biblical caution to not throw everything out